Official Rules of the FIBA 33

FIBA Basketball Game 33 is played in accordance with the rules highlighted below. The FIBA Official Basketball Rules apply to all game situations not specifically mentioned in FIBA 33 rules. Of course, that the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship are an integral part FIBA 33 rules.

Article 1 Court
The game will be played on half court of a regular FIBA basketball court.
Article 2 teams
Each team consists of a maximum of four (4) players (3 players on the court and one substitute)
and one (1) trainer.
Art.3 Game Officials
The game official shall be one (1) Referees and one (1) three (3) Table support officers are Chairman,
namely, a gunman, a timer and a ten (10) second operator.
Art.4 beginning of the game
4.1. Both teams are warm-up (3 minutes) simultaneously.
4.2. Before the game, a player from Team A is a 3-point shot from anywhere on the pitch
behind the three point line. If A-Team is made to start the game with a throw-in opposite
scorer of the table, if not, it will be team B. The team that did not start the game
entitled to the ball on the next jump ball situation, in accordance with the alternating
Possession arrow rule. The arrow will be on the bench of the team, which is entitled addressed
the ball at the next opportunity alternating possession.
Art.5 Season / Match Winner
5.1. The regular season consists of two (2) periods of five (5), there are minutes.
5.2. But the first team that scores 33 or more points will be the winner of a game when it
happens before the end of regulation time or extra period (s).
5.3. If the score is tied at the end of the last period, the game will continue with as many extra
Periods of two (2 minutes) than is necessary to break the tie.
5.4. There must be a distance of one (1) minute prior to each period and each additional period.
5.5. A team will lose the game by forfeit (33:0), if three (3) minutes after the scheduled start
Time is not the team on the field with three (3) players ready to play.
Art.6 fouls by player / team fouls by
A player has committed five (5) fouls must leave the game. A team is a penalty foul
Situation when there are four (4) fouls committed in a period of time.
Article 7 Ten second device
The team must attempt a shot for a field goal within 10 seconds.
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Article 8 As the ball is played
8.1. After each successful field goal or free throw final:
? A player from a non-scoring team will start the game from the spot, right again
by the court under the basket (not behind the end line):
a. By passing the ball to his teammates to any place on the farm. If, however, that
Place is not behind the three point line, the ball dribbling recipient must / pass the
Ball to a spot in the yard behind the three point line.
b. By dribbling the ball to a spot in the yard behind the three point line.
? Once the ball is behind the three-point line, at least one more has to happen
made to a teammate before an attempt is made to the guests.
8.2. After each unsuccessful field goal or free throw final:
? If the attacking team can rebound the ball, it continues without the test score
Return the ball behind the three point line.
? If the defensive team the ball rebound, he has the ball (through transfer or return
Dribbling) behind the three point line.
? Once the ball is behind the three-point line, at least one more has to happen
made to a teammate before an attempt is made to the guests.
8.3. After the steal, turnover, etc:
If it is within the two-point field happens, the ball must pass the / a room behind are dribbling
The three-point line. Once the ball is behind the three-point line, at least one additional pass
must be to a teammate before the test score will be made.
8.4. If the first offensive player dribbled, / receiving the ball at a point behind has
Three-point line test score, it is a violation.
8.5. All objections to foul (no free throws), injuries, out-of bounds, on the
Beginning of the first, second and will be removed from the extra period, out-of-bounds
City level with the tip of the three-point line, closest to the infraction. Places will be
marked out-of-bounds at 5-cm line. The referee the ball in the hands of out-of-bound
Players. The thrower-in, the ball to his teammates over to any other place on the farm.
However, if this place is not behind the three point, the ball dribbling recipient must / pass the
Ball to a spot in the yard behind the three point line. Once the ball is behind the three point
line, at least one additional pass to a teammate must be before an attempt will be made
Guests made.
8.6. Dunking the ball is not allowed, except pressure-rings are used freely.
Article 9 of substitution
The substitution is allowed when the ball is dead and the game clock will be stopped.
Article 10 Time-outs
There are no time outs granted to each team at any time.

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